Assorted Animations 1998-2000

Mousetrap 2000
My third animation. I would say more, but this was before I started taking notes.

2 Balls 1998
I Keep this one around to remind me that everyone has to start somewhere
This was done in MicroStation (before SE) about 1998

Ball in a Box 1998
My first 'real' animation. This one was also done in MicroStaion in 1998
Yes I did think this was really cool when I did it.
Yes I did make all my friends and family watch.
Yes I will do it again! ha,ha,ha (sorry, time for my meds)

Traffic Phasing Study Dec 2000

This was Done in MicroStation as a test. The idea was to see if a "Low-Detail" Animation showing traffic phasing and construction would be useful.

Visit North Carolina Nov 2000

This was done as an advertisement for the SASHTO convention which was held in Asheville North Carolina

The Idea was for a simple Slide-Show Type animation that could be played on a laptop computer

This animation would be continuous playing in the booth for the NCDOT while the convention was playing as an advertisement. Unfortunately the animation was not used.
